Will you pay 1 NIS for 1 MB?
since: 25/3/98
If you check out prices for FTP store every where and especially in Israel, you will find that storing data on FTP might cost you a lot of money.
In order to find another solution, you might look for FREE webspace services like Geocities, FortuneCity etc. The problem is, that they won't let you store more than 10 Megabyte of data (The largest I found so far) INCLUDING your web pages.
One-For-One was created to help small web sites in Israel storing their files. We charge 1 NIS (New Israeli Shekel) for each Megabyte stored on our computers. We don't mind the content of files you hold on our computers as long as it will not harm our service in any way. We are not responsible for any lose of information you stored on our computers or any corruption that happened to it while it was stored. We are committing to give access service ONLY.
Do you wish to use our services?
Unfortunately, One-For-One exists only in the mind of the developers. For us to make it real, we need to know if that kind of service is requested.
If you wish to use our service, please participate in our survey and fill up the following form.
THIS FORM IS USED FOR STATISTIC ANALYSIS ONLY. By answering this form, you will only show your opinion about the above service. It does not mean you have insured getting any service from us!
Thank you for taking the time to fill out our form.